Full-Chip Systems – Artisan Collection
The Artisan Collection is the newest addition to our Ultra, Earth Effects, Bagari SE and Vintage Mica full-chip system lineup. This latest series is popular with customers looking for a concrete coating system that simulates the aesthetic of polished concrete. It’s available in 6 blends of varied grays called Aurora, Avalon, Callisto, Indigo, Infinity and Lunar. The blends used in these coating systems incorporate a combination of ultrafine and oversized thermoplastic chips, that when broadcast in a full-chip spread, simulate the exposed aggregate in polished concrete. Like all of our full chip series, an Artisan Collection coating system consists of a thick 100%-solids, moisture-mitigating primer coat, a full-chip broadcast of your selected Artisan blend, and two (not 1) 100%-solids polyaspartic top coats. The result is an ultra-thick and stunning concrete coating that makes our flooring far more resilient than any wafer-thin “1-day” system.
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