One-Day Installations vs. Two-Day Installations: Which one works best?

Press Release

The idea of a one-day installations of polyurea-polyaspartic coating systems can seem very appealing. It promises speed and minimal disruption, perfect for those who want quick results, be it in their home or at their place of business. However, as with many things in life, trying to rush something often causes more problems than just taking your time and doing ...

The Solution: Tailored Coating Systems for Akron/Cleveland’s Unique Needs

Full Flake Epoxy Flooring, Metallic Epoxy Flooring, Partial Flake Epoxy Flooring, Solid Epoxy Flooring

When it comes to upgrading your floors, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming. For many homeowners and business owners, terms like “epoxy,” “polyaspartic,” and “full flake” might as well be in a different language. You know you want a floor that looks great and stands the test of time. But with so many different coating systems available, how ...